Warframe is no doubt one of the first titles people think of when Free to Play games come up in conversation and for good reason, Warframe has been going from strength to strength with constant and regular updates adding in new features, maps and playable Frames; the games version of classes/characters.
A steampunk real time strategy with solid gameplay and a metric ton of zombies?? Yes, please.
Kingdom: New Lands is what I guess you would call a sequel even though that isn’t quite right. New Lands is the version of the game that was first released as the final product of the early access phase but that phase later became known and released as Kingdom: Classic. The difference between the two is that in New Lands, your goal is to build a boat and escape the islands where as in Classic, your goal was simply to survive.
In this review, I’m going to spend most of my time just explaining what the game is to you. That is because you probably haven’t seen anything like it before and it’s really hard to understand from someone just telling you about. My advice to you, if you’re just mildly interested by this, go find a video of it being played and see what it’s about. If you are like,”this is my jam. Why hasn’t anyone made this before?” I recommend you go and pick it up. It’s in early access and can always use the support.